We will be closed 12/25 and 1/1. If you need service or repair to your vehicle on 12/24, 12/26, or 12/31, please call the shop as hours may differ based on business need. Have a happy and safe holiday!

Auto Services

When you want unbeatable auto services backed by technicians who know their stuff, it's time to visit Aspen Hill Exxon. We bring the quality services and products that your vehicle needs to maintain stability and keep you and your passengers safe. Stop in for the auto services your vehicle needs, today!

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Aspen Hill Exxon

Aspen Hill Exxon is an independent, family-owned auto repair shop serving Silver Spring, MD, Rockville, MD, Wheaton, MD, and surrounding areas. We are a NAPA AutoCare Center with ASE-certified technicians on staff who undergo continuous training to maintain their certification and stay up to date on the best repair practices for your vehicle. We're also on hand for preventive maintenance, tires, and wheels. When it's time for your next oil change or you need a problem diagnosed and repaired, call or visit our auto repair shop.

We're located at 14011 Georgia Ave, Silver Spring, MD. Our hours are Monday through Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM and Saturday 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM. At Aspen Hill Exxon, there's no service that's too big or too small. We treat our customers and our staff like family, which is why we only hire full- time staff. Your vehicle deserves to be treated by the best of the best, from a local shop that you can trust. We've been providing proud service since 1980, and we will continue to do so for many years to come.

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Phone: (301) 871-6777
Fax: (301) 871-8218
Address: 14011 Georgia Ave
Silver Spring, MD 20906
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